Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Simple Overview: Making Money Online

Most times when you try to researching making money online, you are bombarded with scams, referral links, and almost always no true information. The fact is, the easiest way to make money online is tell someone you know how. I know what you're thinking, and yes, I am doing the same thing. Except, I by no means make anywhere near as much money as some of these  other individuals claim. I'm here to give you a hard look at making money online.

First, and foremost, me, as a YouTube person, I am hooked up with Google Adsense, part of the agreement for content producers is that I am not to divulge any exact figures, earning statistics, or even really give you a ballpark look into my earnings, let's just say, it's not the greatest, but it's better than no dollars. Anyway here's me firing from the hip, to hopefully give someone out there some little grain of truth to how to wrangle a few extra beans a month.

Establish your strengths: Are you a video personality or a writer? Do you like talking to people who need help? Is your idea of your work day sitting hunkered down on a keyboard, never seeing daylight, or other living beings?

I do a little bit of all three, but it all started on YouTube. I could always talk and create a pretty decent video without much work, so YouTube was a natural place for me to start putting my videos. I started simple with reviews of most anything I had laying around and knew enough about. Every new hobby I would take up would find it's way neatly onto YouTube. The fact is, people like to watch other people, and YouTube is some pretty compelling reality TV. Content and subject matter really do not matter, what does, it establishing and maintaining your viewership.

If your strengths are outside of being a head lining star in your own private corner of the internet, there are several crowd sourcing companies that are legitimate and have cut me checks well over a hundred dollars. Namely I use Lion Bridge websites such as "The Smart Crowd" and "Virtual Bee". These website boil down to data entry. There are also countless opportunities for at home call centers, and transcription, however most of these jobs have extensive tests and requirements which is why most people think they are scams.

In my experience every legitimate job online is free and easy to apply for, never pay up front for internet riches.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Oh yeah, this thing over here.

Like I said, I make no promises on posting here with any frequency, however the page views have gone up which is directly linked to money in my pocket. That's always a good thing.

I've start a regular schedule of recording video for YouTube, and I'm trying to a few videos every month, hopefully more. I'm going to use this blog as good solid outlet to put some cooking on the internet, a place where you can get the facts and gloss your eyes with some ads. I love cooking, and spend most of my time doing it, so I better start making money with it. Anyway, whoever reads this, thanks.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Forgot About This Side of the Internet Again

Well, who knows how long it's been since I've updated this inane half of my YouTube channel. I forgot all about blogging, because there is nothing that nags at me to keep up with it. There is no heat behind this side of what I try to do, but maybe today I will workshop a few posts and release them as I complete them. The greed in me that sees a paycheck every now and then from Google constantly tells me squander my posts, but let's try something new.

Monday, October 7, 2013


I found inspiration in this picture:

"SPOOPY" says it all about this time of year. It's one of those if you have to ask you'll never know situations. Thanks to Cap'n Crunch's Halloween Crunch the spoopy feeling can be attained in a bowl. I felt this cereal was really doing spoopy justice, and I found no resources combining the two. I was driven to demonstrate how spoopy this cereal is.

Only available for a limited time, and also probably St. Patrick's Day 2014,

Drastic Restructuring

I created this blog for one reason; synergy. With the meager earnings I've had from YouTube it seemed logical to branch out and snag more impressions. I have had minor success here, however starting the blog for revenue produced a series of arbitrary posts.

Now that YouTube has updated it's interface I can upload my videos without fear of playback issues, lack of audio, or missing footage. I plan on doing so, I also plan on using this blog for things completely unrelated to YouTube except for a weekly post. Maybe I'll start posting excerpts from my novel. Recipes for some GOOD EATS.Who knows? Who cares?

I feel zero pressure to accommodate this blog with any regiment of posts so enjoy what you get and comment often.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pipe Close Up: Savinelli Baronet 606EX

This pipe is very special to me. It's the first pipe I ever bought new (besides corn cobs) Initially I hated rustication, but I also wanted the closest thing I could get to a magnum pipe I could afford at the time. It was this pipe. I still love it, and today, as I write this, I'm packing it to make a video for the first time in ages.

Pipe Close Up: Meerschaum "Portly Gentleman"

I have a few meerschaums kicking around, and because there are no discern able names associated with them I find myself naming them. I dub the one, you see before you the Portly Gent. It's big, round, and simply classy. This is the pipe as seen on "Meerschaum Moments" and I've been smoking it daily for about a week. I have a couple other meerschaums and I think they need some tobacco love too. Anyways, that will be some time before I think up names.